Hello Beautiful Family!!
On my journey I have researched and investigated many forms and ways to detox the mind, body and emotions. There is a plethora of information which can be overwhelming to say the least. For me personally, and I would also recommend you do the same, is to listen to your body, your intuition, your gut instinct, how you feel about a particular detox protocol. What is good for one person does not necessarily mean it is good for you, so listen to your inner knowing and trust that voice. There is no right or wrong way to detox, just your unique way.
There is one thing for certain, some form of detox is integral to you and your family’s health and well being its just a matter of you choosing. For myself, I try to keep things as simple as possible so it’s manageable. Daily detox can be as simple as drinking 1-2 litres of purified water, eliminating sugar, taking the dog for a walk and watching the sunset. Then you can add a weekly detox such as detox foot patches, detox bath or dry body brushing. Once a month perhaps do an infrared sauna, group meditation or cold water therapy. The skies the limit! Just now you are assisting your beautiful body and nurturing yourself.
Eliminating as many toxins from your life in general is a great way to start the detoxing. As you finish your old cleaning and personal care products (or just throw them out), replace them with non-toxic natural products. At the Source Bulk foods, Market Organics, TMP Organic Butcher, Mrs Flannery’s, your local Farmers Markets and Healthfood shops you can purchase cleaning and personal care products in bulk with your own containers, making it more affordable and sustainable. The majority of these stores also support local suppliers and farmers which is another bonus for our local community and small businesses. Blants Wellbeing & Lifestyle online store is also a great option.
Below is a list of some detox options for mind and body, that you may or may not know of, or you could add to ! Do your own research and see what works for you.
celery juice, green juices, heavy metal detox juice
lemon juice first thing in the morning
Ioncleanse foot baths
Detox foot patches - these are great, put them on the go to sleep
drink 1-2 litres of purified water per day
infrared saunas, saunas, steam rooms
intermitten fasting
eliminate sugar and processed foods
if possible buy organic produce at your local markets, or grow your own
regular exercise
yoga, meditation
breath work
cold water therapy
dry body brushing - great for exfoliating and stimulating the lymph system
herbal teas, bulletproof coffee, MCT oil
journalling - emotional detox
EFT - emotional detox
hypnotherapy and RTT
homeopathic tinctures, flower remedies
supplements - Creatine, Magnesium, Chlorophyll, Spirulina, Vit B,C,D, zinc, cats claw, Neem extract
EES (Energy Enhancement System)
detox baths (not magnesium bath)
Use non toxic natural cleaning and personal care products
essential oils (good quality, Young Living, DoTerra)
EMF protection - Orgone Effects online store, Shungite
Medical Medium Protocols
“I am” statements/affirmations
Time in nature with your bare feet on the earth
Technology, social media and TV free time
take 5 minutes in silence being present to watch the sunrise or sunset
Hang out with positive, supportive people and minimise time with negative people
good nights sleep
Do what makes you Happy and puts a Smile on your face regularly
You may find on your detox journey that you feel compelled to declutter your home, go for it!! Your home or office gets a detox as well. A reflection of whats going on inside of you. Letting go of what not longer serves you to receive and embody more of your higher version self. YOU’VE GOT THIS
Enjoy the journey!!
Remember You are the Love & Light you have been seeking